Deposits and Camp Registration
To reserve a spot at a youth camp, you can register on-line at and make the $100 deposit through that system. The balance of the fee for youth camps is due May 15th. Deposits for youth camps are nonrefundable after April 1st. A service fee of $25 per registration will be charged on refunds prior to that date. Family camp deposits are $300. For July family camp, the balance of the registration fee is due May 15th. For August family camp, one-half of the fee is due on May 15th and the balance of the registration fee is due July 1st. For Labor Day Family Weekend, one-half of the fee is due on May 15th and the balance of the registration fee will be due at August 1st. Deposits for family camps (both week-long and Labor Day) are nonrefundable after April 1st. A service fee of $25 will be charged on refunds prior to that date. Credit card payment is acceptable for both deposit and balance. Youth camp and family camp registrations will be processed on a first come, first serve basis starting when registration opens on November 1, 2024. All registration is on a first come, first serve basis.

On-line registration is available for youth camps, family camps, and Labor Day
On-line registration can be accessed through the Rainbow Trail website:

2025 Registration Policies

Medical concerns
RTLC has a RN on duty 24 hours a day. We have standing orders with a doctor in Westcliffe, as well as agreements with the clinic in Westcliffe, the hospital in Canon City and Flight for Life. All medications are given to the nurse on Sunday and are dispensed as needed throughout the day. All campers are covered by insurance during their stay at RTLC. While away from the campsite, counselors are equipped with two-way radios that are monitored by our nurse. We strive to accommodate campers with food allergies if information is sent ahead of time. Rainbow Trail is a peanut-free facility. We do our best to meet the specific needs of campers with special abilities and disabilities.

Typical Day
Campers awake and get ready. Morning watch is a personal devotion time that takes place at 7:30 am. Breakfast – 8:00. After breakfast one village will do KP while another cleans the shower house. The rest of the staff and a camper representative from each village meets to go through the plans for the day. Morning worship follows staff meeting. From 10:00-6:00 the campers do the activities they’ve planned including Bible study, arts and crafts, wood carving, field games, archery, challenge course, stewardship, ga-ga ball, camp improvement project, volleyball, water games, bucket brigade, etc. Lunch is served outside at noon and followed by rest hour. Dinner – 6:00. Round up is time for Bible study groups to share what they talked about in a creative way. An all camp activity is planned by the village of the day, and worship/camp fire closes the camp day. Lights out for each group is as follows: Intros, 8:30, Juniors, 9:30; Junior High, 10:00, and Senior High 10:30 p.m.

Family Camp Typical Day
Morning Worship after breakfast. The camp is split for Bible study. Adults in the Pavilion with an adult study leader brought in special for the week, and the kids break up into age specific groups with the counselors. Mid-morning, there’s a snack break after which the adults continue with study and the kids all join together for an activity. The entire afternoon is made up of optional activities such as: hiking, arts & crafts, environmental education, woodcarving, recreational activities and more. These can be done as families or as individuals. Baby-sitting is provided during the morning activities and can be arranged for special times in the afternoon. The evenings consist of an all-camp activity such as a beach party, hoe-down, talent show or concert and a campfire with devotions. Games and fellowship end the day.

RTLC has a policy statement on camp discipline that basically states: Under no circumstances is a staff person to lose control of his/her temper, single out or make the camper feel unloved or unwanted, give threats or hold grudges. RTLC affirms the special uniqueness of each camper. Our counseling staff is taught to use positive reinforcement to lift up good behavior in our campers and model what is acceptable at camp. Reasons for campers being sent home would be because of breaking one of our policies such as smoking, drinking, taking drugs or by posing a safety threat to themselves or others.

Sexual Misconduct Policy
We spend time during staff training going over the RTLC Sexual Misconduct Policy and help interpret the policy and actual appropriate and inappropriate behavior for both staff and campers. We also address this policy with pastors and adult leaders at their orientation on Sunday night.

Food Issues
Food is not allowed in cabins, so any food sent with or to campers must be consumed or stored in our kitchen until the camper leaves. RTLC is very proud of the delicious, nutritious, kid oriented meals served, and there are snacks provided each evening. If there are any special food needs, please contact Dave or our nurse ahead of time so that we can accommodate their needs.

Our staff is recruited through Rocky Mountain Synod congregations and our ELCA colleges. Many have been campers here. The minimum requirements for our counselors are: must be 19 and equivalent of one year of college, a strong Christian faith, and a love for kids. They fill out an application including 3 written references. One from their pastor and from any former camp director they’ve worked for. All staff go through a personal or phone interview with a full-time staff member, and all references are checked. Criminal records checks are performed on all staff members.

Camper to Staff Ratios
Main site youth camps maintain a 1:8 counselor-to-camper ratio for Junior-Senior High campers, although ACA standards allow us to go as high as 1:10 for older youth. Intro camp always has a 1:6 ratio and Day Camp 1:8.

Phone Use
Campers are not allowed to make or receive phone calls during their week at camp. Phone calls from home can affect the whole cabin and breed homesickness. We deal with the issues of homesickness during staff training and our nurse is willing to assist in helping the child. Parents will be called in case of emergencies or illness. We encourage letter writing.

Pop Shop
At our camp store we sell pop, ice cream treats, t-shirts, sweatshirts, travel mugs, boxers, hats and other RTLC souvenirs. Prices on t-shirts range from $10-$20, sweatshirts $25-35, fleeces $34-36, hats are $20, crazy creek chairs are $42, and all treats are 1.00 each. Intro campers receive a t-shirt and water bottle as part of their registration, so sending money for treats is optional.

Car pooling
Information on other campers coming your week in your area is available through the camp office.

Ropes Course
Rainbow Trail has both low and high ropes courses available for use by our junior and senior high campers. A release of liability and statement of health form must be completed prior to use. The instructors are certified in ropes course facilitation.

Age Groups
All age groups are based on grade entering in the fall. Intro: 2nd-3rd grades, Junior: 4th-6th grade, Junior high: 7th and 8th grade, Senior high: 9th-12th. Rainbow Trail does not move campers up to an older age group. We must be true to these policies due to issues of liability and insurance. If a 9th grader would rather be with friends in junior high, we’ll move them down one grade.

Pets of Rainbow Trail campers and guests are not allowed at camp. If a family must bring their pet along to drop off or pick up a camper, we ask that they please leave the animal in the car.

Hike Day
Tuesday is hike day. Unless a physical limitation exists, all kids are encouraged to hike. The campers choose from 5 hike options, depending upon age groups and abilities. They range from our circle hike (1 mile); fire hike (4 miles round trip); Balman reservoir (4 miles round trip); North Rainbow Trail (5 miles round trip); Peerless Mine (8 miles round trip), Rainbow Lake (8 miles round trip), and Eagle Peak (13 miles round trip). All campers need sturdy hiking boots or tennis shoes and socks for hike day.

Rafting is available for Junior High and Senior High campers. There is an extra charge of $75 and a release form must be signed by a parent or legal guardian. We suggest that you bring water shoes (please no Crocs) as well as a beach towel for the bus ride home.
