Rainbow Trail COVID-19 Policies
for Retreat Season
Updated September 14, 2022

Important Documents
2022 Retreat COVID Protocols
2022 VACCINATION Policy for Summer Camps and Retreating Updated 1/16/22
2022 ACA Field Guide for Camps on Implementation of CDC Guidance
Posted: March 11, 2021
You may have read one of the articles about Custer County (the county in which Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp actually resides) lifting all COVID restrictions, including not wearing masks, and operating the county at 100% capacity.
Know that Rainbow Trail will continue to follow state and CDC guidelines related to COVID, and will keep necessary protocols in place under the guidance of the CDC and the Field Guide for Camps on Implementation of CDC Guidance provided by the American Camp Association.
Our guidelines and protocols are included in the documents at the top of this page. if you have any other questions, please contact Dave Jarvis.
Posted: January 1, 2021
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) has become an evolving and uncertain public health issue affecting people globally and close to home.
Know that camper safety is our number one priority, and we will follow the directives and advice of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), the American Camp Association (ACA), local health authorities, and the Colorado State authorities.
We have a summer under our belt where we created over 40 pages of protocols that we followed last summer to serve 440 campers and 62 staff on-site. We learned a lot and feel we can be even better in 2021.
We have created an RTLC COVID-19 FAQ document that we think will answer most of your questions about summer camp at RTLC this summer. We have updated our Communicable Disease Plan.
I believe we have been forward-thinking in trying to be safe in our plans, creative in our solutions, and faithful in our approach.
Thank you for your commitment and support of this ministry, and your trust in the leadership of this special place. I can’t wait to see you this summer! Please direct any specific questions about summer camp to me at dave@rainbowtrail.org.
Yours in Christ,
David K. Jarvis
Executive Director