Dining Spaces Title

Aspen Out 1 Web Aspen Lodge

Gathering together for meals is a wonderful experience, providing a casual opportunity to deepen relationships with those around you. Our family-style meals at breakfast and supper provide ample time for conversation around the the table. A buffet lunch allows for flexibility in your group’s schedule and greater variety of delicious food to choose from.  We prepare wholesome and hearty meals, and will work with you to plan a menu that meets the needs of your group.  We regularly prepare vegetarian and gluten-free meals, and can accommodate most special dietary needs.

  • Seating for up to 180 at meals
  • Multiple seating layouts
  • Available for large group meeting space if needed
  • Full service Food Service provided with all retreats
  • Flexible meal times available
  • Menus are fully customizable
  • Vegetarian, gluten-free, nut-free, and most food allergies easily accommodated
  • Download our Aspen Floor Plans

Aspen In 2 Web

Aspen In 3 Web
Aspen Buffet Aspen In 1 Web


Ready to set up your retreat?

Call our business office at (719)276-5233 or email Delta at delta@rainbowtrail.org to get started!

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