RTLC Playlists on Spotify

Click HERE to find links to RTLC playlists for KP, Cookout, Dances, Morning Watch, and more!


2022 Summer Registration Opens November 1st!

To register your camper, click here.

DON’T WAIT!  Registration for the 2021 Summer season at Rainbow Trail opens on November 1st for Rocky Mountain Synod congregations.  All of our summer weeks fill quickly, and by January 1st, registration is open to anyone.  Register online starting November 1st!

. . . → Read More: 2022 Summer Registration Opens November 1st!


2021 RTLC Summer Staff!

CLICK HERE to see the 2021 Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp Summer Staff!


New Rainbow Trail Welcome Statement

Check our new Welcome Statement!


The Virtual Grace Race

Click Here! There is still a great way to raise money for world hunger!


COVID-19 and Summer

Visit: https://www.rainbowtrail.org/summer-camps/covid-19-summer/ for more information.



Giving Tuesday

Rainbow Trail is participating in the national Giving Tuesday! Giving Tuesday is a global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world. This global day of unity to take place on May 5, 2020, as a response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19. . . . → Read More: Giving Tuesday


Donate To Summer Staff Salaries

Rainbow Trail has committed to hiring all summer staff for the 2020 summer! With that said, we are in need of help in raising the money for summer staff salaries. CLICK HERE to donate today!


Bristlecone Lodge Slated for Remodel

To go to our Bristlecone Lodge page, click here.

The time has come! Bristlecone, home of so many summer staff and retreaters, is slated for a remodel!
