RTLC Camp Registration and Release for Camps Pastors and Advisors
Thank you for giving your time to bring youth to Rainbow Trail this summer. We are excited that you will be joining us in this life changing experience. We believe that it is critical to provide a safe place for all campers and staff to grow in, and share their faith. For years the camp has operated with the “Sexual Misconduct Policy of Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp”. This Board approved policy lays out the framework for interactions between campers, staff, and adults at Rainbow Trail. RTLC currently obtains a voluntary disclosure statement and background checks (including fingerprints) for all employees and adult leaders in onsite programs. Because you will be onsite participating in a Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp program, please:
- Read the Sexual Misconduct Policy (click here) of Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp.
- Fill out and submit the Registration and Voluntary Disclosure Form below.
- Rainbow Trail will mail a fingerprint card to you with instructions for its submission.
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