NEEDS LISTThis list consists of essential items for our day-to-day operations. If a number is listed behind an item, that is the total number we need. A gift of one would still be much appreciated. |
WISH LISTThis list consists of larger items we have not budgeted for but would still enhance our ministry. If a number is listed behind an item, that is the total number we need. A gift of one would still be much appreciated. |
Gifts to camp come in many shapes and sizes. The Needs and Wishes are items that we are looking for and could be given as new or used (in good condition). If you would like to support RTLC’s ministry through the donation of any of these items, contact our business office, or 719-276-5233. We can discuss possible drop or pick up options for any items. Or, you can click on any image to order these items online and have them shipped directly to us. Our shipping address is Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp, 107 S 9th St, Suite B, Canon City, CO 81212.
To give a monetary gift to purchase these items,
please click the button below.