While no two weeks of Compass Points are the same, the basic flow of your week will be similar to one of the three itineraries listed below depending on the length of the backpacking trip that you choose. The actual order of activities does vary depending on the particular needs of groups and the number of groups that we are serving in any given week. All programs begin on Sunday and typically end on Saturday morning, and include First Word, daily Bible Study, prayer, and worship that is facilitated by RTLC staff and led by campers. Decisions about trip activities are best made as a group and can be done after registering.


Sunday Arrive at Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp between 3:00 & 4:00 PM. Get to know your guides, equipment orientation, dinner, general orientation, and packing.
Monday Breakfast at RTLC, depart Ropes Course, or service project for the day. Return to RTLC in late afternoon to pick-up equipment and move to a campsite at a trailhead.
Tuesday Backpack into a campsite, set up a base camp and enjoy the beauty of the mountains and the great company around you.
Wednesday Day hike to a mountain peak or explore around a lake.
Thursday Take down camp and backpack to the trailhead where you will be picked up for the return trip to RTLC.
Friday A relaxed morning in camp and a great brunch before an afternoon of rafting on the Arkansas River. Return to camp for a chicken and ribs cook-out. Worship and group closure activities round out the day.
Saturday Early breakfast and departure.


Sunday Arrive at Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp between 3:00 & 4:00 PM. Get to know your guides, equipment orientation, dinner, general orientation, and packing.
Monday Breakfast at RTLC, depart to a trailhead and backpack into a campsite, set up a base camp and enjoy the beauty of the mountains and the great company around you.
Tuesday Day hike to a mountain peak or explore around a lake, and enjoy the beauty of the mountains and the great company around you.
Wednesday Day hike to a mountain peak or explore around a lake, and enjoy the beauty of the mountains and the great company around you.
Thursday Take down camp and backpack to the trailhead where you will be picked up for the return trip to RTLC.
Friday A relaxed morning in camp and a great brunch before an afternoon of rafting on the Arkansas River. Return to camp for a chicken and ribs cook-out. Worship and group closure activities round out the day.
Saturday Early breakfast and departure.


Sunday Arrive at Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp between 3:00 & 4:00 PM. Get to know your guides, equipment orientation, dinner, general orientation, and packing.
Breakfast at RTLC, depart to a trailhead and backpack into the mountains, set up camp for the night.
Tuesday Backpacking into a campsite, set up a base camp and enjoy the beauty of the mountains and the great company around you.
Wednesday Day hike to a mountain peak or explore around a lake.
Thursday Day hike to another mountain peak, or extended time for personal reflection and additional time to really enjoy the amazing surroundings.
Friday Take down camp and backpack to the trailhead where you will be picked up for the return trip to RTLC. Return to camp for a chicken and ribs cook-out. Worship and group closure activities round out the day.
Saturday Early breakfast and departure.

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