COVID-19 and Summer

Visit: for more information.

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New Full-time Staff, Summer Staff with photos, Land exchange, Colorado Gives… So much is happening at RTLC! Check out our Spring edition of Rainbow Reflections HERE!

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RTLC Playlists on Spotify

Click HERE to find links to RTLC playlists for KP, Cookout, Dances, Morning Watch, and more!

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Search Keyword: RTLC on iTunes to get the latest camp songs!  Time to brush up on your favorites before summer!

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If you are looking for great coffee for your home, for your congregation, or for gifts for your loved ones that also gives to others, consider a bag or two of our Rainbow Trail Blend coffee. This is the delicious, freshly roasted coffee that we get from Mission Coffee Roasters in . . . → Read More: RAINBOW TRAIL BLEND FOR SALE ONLINE!

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Shop Amazon Smile and Give!


Did you know that Amazon has a separate website called “Amazon Smile” that is exactly the same as the regular Amazon except for one thing: A portion of your purchase on Amazon Smile goes to the charitable organization of your choice!  If you’re looking for another way to give to RTLC, all . . . → Read More: Shop Amazon Smile and Give!

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Designate your Thrivent Choice Dollars to RTLC and Help Great Ministry Happen!

Designate your Thrivent Choice Dollars to RTLC and Help Great Ministry Happen!

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans has a charitable giving program called Thrivent Choice. They are no longer matching gifts of any kind. Instead, each member is allocated a set amount of money to give to the Lutheran organizations of their choice. . . . → Read More: Designate your Thrivent Choice Dollars to RTLC and Help Great Ministry Happen!

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