Rainbow Trail is seeking qualified candidates for our Director of Site and Facilities position with a start date of as soon as possible. This is a full-time position. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. The job description and the application can be found below. For more information, contact Dave Jarvis at
2024 Director of Site and Facilities Job Description
2024 Director of site and Facilities Application
Winter, summer, spring, or fall, there are lots of ways to serve at Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp. Check out the many opportunities below, and click on any of the titles for more information.
Join a staff of about 65 amazing people and make a difference in the lives of hundreds of kids this summer. Staff has the opportunity to serve in a variety of different settings including Youth Camps, Family Camps, Day Camps, Compass Points backpacking, and Bridging Borders mission trips. Opportunities to serve to begin after your Junior year in High School, most staff have completed at least one year of college.
Get a taste of RTLC’s summer ministry as you serve alongside summer staff. Work with kids, do camp improvement projects, and share in the work of making a camp run. Summer volunteers must have completed their Sophomore in High school, and if still in High School attend another week of RTLC summer program.
Camp isn’t just for kids anymore! Camp Grandparents play a critical role in making the week an amazing one for both campers and the staff. Participate in everything that campers do, including Bible Study, worship, games, planning with their group, hiking, wood carving, etc. This rewarding volunteer week is an incredible way to build relationships with kids and pass along the faith to another generation.
Learn what it takes to serve in Outdoor Ministry full time during this nine-month internship program. Beginning in September Program Assistants (PGA’s) dive into the work of retreat hosting, planning future programs, as well as maintaining the site. Led by Full Time Directors, training sessions on topics like philosophy, budgeting, staffing, program development, and marketing enhance the practical experience gained in this internship.
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