Memorial Day

Each year over Memorial Day Weekend, Rainbow Trail hosts roughly 120 volunteers to help prepare the site for the summer season. What started as a weekend of cleaning and organizing has transformed into an integral piece of maintaining and bettering the site each year.IMG_5929

Rainbow Trail spends roughly $20,000 each year on supplies for the weekend. With the help of experienced contractors and careful planning we believe that we receive between $40,000 and $50,000 worth of labor in just three days!

Instead of using capital campaigns to make major site improvements all at once, Memorial Day work weekend has allowed the site to remain updated and in good repair year after year.  Projects are different each year but are planned to be inclusive to any and all level of volunteers. With experienced contractors leading willIMG_5964ing volunteers, the project results are always professional and stunning.

This weekend has become a yearly tradition for many people looking to get involved with Rainbow Trail in a different manner. Housing and food are provided to participants in exchange for a willingness to give of themselves for three days.  The weekend is one that not only transforms the site physically but also feeds participants in a spiritual manner. Worship each night brings people together for time to re-center and reconnect.

If you’re interested in being a part of the Memorial Day work weekend, contact Dave at, as spots are limited and often fill quickly each year.

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